Clustr Map

Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Source Of The Madness

  The 9 hour, 582 mile journey, pushed us to the edge. We could feel ourselves slowing drying out, losing water. Every nook and cranny on the road was felt. Every pot hole and evey turn was dreaded. As I looked around with a terrible feeling inside me, I looked at my fellow comrades, and they looked back at me. We all had a mutual understanding, almost like a " it was an honour knowing you sir" type thing. This would be the end of us.
                             (Dried Sweetcorn)                               ( Transportation)

    And then, we stopped. I was scared, more than I've ever been in my life. The crates we were stored in were hauled off the lorry and onto another vehicle. But we were not all a unit anymore, some crates went here, some crates went there, we were being loaded into the Battle Creek, Michigan Kellogs Factory. Either that or the signs were lieing to me!
  Thrown out of the crates and onto a long conveyor belt we went. Following it's path, twisting and turning through a maze of machinery.
  First we were seperated from our kurnel, they did this by using machines to dry us out and our corn fell off. We were then taken to a giant, cooker. This is where the torture really began. We were slowly for 2 hours, in an attempt to dry us out, but to keep some liquid presant in us.

  After the first torture, it was on to the roller. Now this was not a regular roller, this was a mechanical roller, exurting over 4 and a half tonnes of pressure. We came out the other end, squashed, in pain, but we were not finished yet...

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